stdClass Object ( [id] => 600474 [title] => Mnogima je bio omiljeni lik u 'Santa Barbari', ali godinama nije mogao dobiti ulogu: tek kad je zakoračio u osmo desetljeće života, glumcu je stigla ponuda [alias] => mnogima-je-bio-omiljeni-lik-u-39-santa-barbari-39-ali-godinama-nije-mogao-dobiti-ulogu-tek-kad-je-zakoracio-u-osmo-desetljece-zivota-glumcu-je-stigla-ponuda [catid] => 262 [published] => 1 [introtext] => [fulltext] =>

Ratnih devedesetih godina kružila je priča kako je jedna baka platila misu da Eden, njezin omiljeni lik iz sapunice Santa Barbara prohoda, a ova se urbana legenda zadržala sve do današnjih dana.

Za razliku od karijere glumice Marcy Walker, nezaboravne Eden, koja je 2005. napustila glumu te se posvetila vjeri i radu u župi u Sjevernoj Karolini kao voditeljica programa za djecu. Premda na samom početku serije autori nisu imali namjeru spojiti Cruza i Eden, ideju o njihovoj ljubavi predložili su upravo njih dvoje, jer su shvatili da na ekranu imaju veliku glumačku kemiju.

- Kada sam došla u seriju rekli su mi da bi moj lik trebao biti s Warrenom Lockridgeom. Snimila sam nekoliko scena, no one nisu donijele ništa posebno. Ipak u scenama koje sam odigrala s Martinezom odmah se dogodila puno jača i neobjašnjiva kemija koja nikome nije promakla. Stoga smo oboje dobili ideju za razvijanje ljubavne priče između naših likova. Međutim scenaristima je trebalo dugo vremena da u radnju integriraju vezu između bogate cure iz visokog društva i jednostavnog momka odgojenog u siromašnoj meksičkoj obitelji, jednom je rekla Marcy.

Njezin partner iz serije A Martinez još uvijek je prisutan na malim ekranima. Iako je čak tri puta odbio da igra Cruza, ubrzo je shvatio da nije pogriješio jer je zahvaljujući dobroćudnom policajcu meksičkog podrijetla stekao planetarnu slavu.

- Pojavio sam se u 'Santa Barbari', a nakon što sam ostario i više nisam imao to mlado lice, bilo je teško dobiti neku ozbiljniju ulogu. To je trajalo godinama. Netko mi je rekao: 'Kad osijediš, bit će posla za tebe.' Kosa mi nije sijeda, ali brada jest, i tad sam dobio ulogu", rekao je Martinez, koji će ovog rujna napuniti 71 godinu.


Ten pics: In the wake of losing our dear #JedAllan..... #ChristmasOnTheRange is unfolding as the best kind of work –– the proverbial labor of love. It’s hard to express how great it feels to be sought for such a sturdy, challenging task, and then to arrive and fall in immediately with a potent posse of extremely like-minded fellow dreamers. Many of the most enduring Western Mythologies are at play in our story here, and beautifully so. With Erin Cahill as our Juliet, and Nicholas Gonzalez as her Romeo (and the son of my Scrooge-like rancher) we are very well outfitted to test the vagaries of star-crossed fate. And when I learned that the legendary (and Emmy winning) Lindsay Wagner had signed on as my rancher’s long estranged ex-wife, I knew that a certain divine providence had turned toward us –– and smiled. 1) The boss in autumn 2) Ponies in the pasture. 3) With the great Ms. Wagner 4) On Erin’s porch (after Nicholas and I helped her tape her remote auditions) 5) Father and son in yesteryear 6) Low sun over the range 7) Script Supervisor Johannah deVries, Cinematographer Brent Christy, and Director Gary Wheeler 8) Just sayin’ 9) A living wall 10) The refuge of his rocker: where rich and powerful meets sick and lonesome #BrickMcCree #TheHeartOfTheMatter #WhatForgivenessIs @mslindsaywagner @theerincahill @eltexmex @brent.christy #JohannahdeVries @greysabc #greysabc @thegooddoctorabc @longmireposse #longmireonnetflix

A post shared by A Martinez (@abonemartinez) on

Rođen je 1948. u Kaliforniji kao Adolfo Larrue Martinez III, a nadimak A je dobio kako bi ga razlikovali od oca i djeda pa ga je kasnije odlučio ostaviti kao svoje umjetničko ime. Nakon Sante Barbare pojavio se u mnogim serijama i filmovima, no vrata stare slave otvorila mu je Netflixova serija 'Longmire' iz 2012.

U braku je s glumicom Leslie Bryans još od 1982., s kojom ima sina Dakotu Leeja i dvije kćeri, Devon Makenu i Ren Farren. Marcy Walker udavala se čak pet puta, a trenutno je u braku s Dougom Smithom. Iz jednog od prijašnjih brakova ima kći Taylor.


#tbt Some thirty years ago –– a dream came true for me.  Previously, random circumstance had made it impossible for me to play a supporting role to Meryl Streep in her film #Silkwood.  An offer had come, six weeks after my audition, but by then I was committed elsewhere. (Ms. Streep is my all-time acting hero. This is so for the whole of her body of work, but had I only been privileged to watch her heartbreakingly poignant –– and Oscar winning –– work in Sophie’s Choice, it would still be so.) So I thought I’d missed my only chance to work with her, but as fate would have it, six years later I was asked to play Garcia, the Gigolo Butler of her character, Mary Barnes, in #SheDevil... It was profoundly humbling to work with Meryl.  The torrent of brilliant, unexpected, hilarious acting choices that flowed from her in every scene was nothing short of astonishing, and no matter how hard I screwed on my best intentions, I felt like a slacker in comparison, almost daily.  But in this particular scene, on this particular day, I felt better.  Greeting Mary at the door, ready for the bedroom, Garcia was deeply offended that she’d chosen to bring home another man for the night –– her accountant, Tom (Ed Begley, Jr.). Garcia had very little to say in this very short, very awkward moment, but I thought there might be a laugh in the mix if he showed up at the door with Mary’s poodle in his arms –– and then dropped it upon being jilted –– and so requested that the dog be added. When the movie played in Los Angeles, I snuck into the theatre and sat in the back row, curious to see how much of my work had supported my hero in the fashion of my fantasies.  When this scene arrived, and the poodle was dropped –– into the safety of its trainer’s off-camera arms –– the lovely sound of lots of instant laughter rose in the room. A small beat in the grand scheme of things, but looking back, it was among the sweeter moments of the evening –– not to mention my career. #SheDevil #MerylStreep #SuchMiraclesAsSometimesCome

A post shared by A Martinez (@abonemartinez) on

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Ratnih devedesetih godina kružila je priča kako je jedna baka platila misu da Eden, njezin omiljeni lik iz sapunice Santa Barbara prohoda, a ova se urbana legenda zadržala sve do današnjih dana.

Za razliku od karijere glumice Marcy Walker, nezaboravne Eden, koja je 2005. napustila glumu te se posvetila vjeri i radu u župi u Sjevernoj Karolini kao voditeljica programa za djecu. Premda na samom početku serije autori nisu imali namjeru spojiti Cruza i Eden, ideju o njihovoj ljubavi predložili su upravo njih dvoje, jer su shvatili da na ekranu imaju veliku glumačku kemiju.

- Kada sam došla u seriju rekli su mi da bi moj lik trebao biti s Warrenom Lockridgeom. Snimila sam nekoliko scena, no one nisu donijele ništa posebno. Ipak u scenama koje sam odigrala s Martinezom odmah se dogodila puno jača i neobjašnjiva kemija koja nikome nije promakla. Stoga smo oboje dobili ideju za razvijanje ljubavne priče između naših likova. Međutim scenaristima je trebalo dugo vremena da u radnju integriraju vezu između bogate cure iz visokog društva i jednostavnog momka odgojenog u siromašnoj meksičkoj obitelji, jednom je rekla Marcy.

Njezin partner iz serije A Martinez još uvijek je prisutan na malim ekranima. Iako je čak tri puta odbio da igra Cruza, ubrzo je shvatio da nije pogriješio jer je zahvaljujući dobroćudnom policajcu meksičkog podrijetla stekao planetarnu slavu.

- Pojavio sam se u 'Santa Barbari', a nakon što sam ostario i više nisam imao to mlado lice, bilo je teško dobiti neku ozbiljniju ulogu. To je trajalo godinama. Netko mi je rekao: 'Kad osijediš, bit će posla za tebe.' Kosa mi nije sijeda, ali brada jest, i tad sam dobio ulogu", rekao je Martinez, koji će ovog rujna napuniti 71 godinu.


Ten pics: In the wake of losing our dear #JedAllan..... #ChristmasOnTheRange is unfolding as the best kind of work –– the proverbial labor of love. It’s hard to express how great it feels to be sought for such a sturdy, challenging task, and then to arrive and fall in immediately with a potent posse of extremely like-minded fellow dreamers. Many of the most enduring Western Mythologies are at play in our story here, and beautifully so. With Erin Cahill as our Juliet, and Nicholas Gonzalez as her Romeo (and the son of my Scrooge-like rancher) we are very well outfitted to test the vagaries of star-crossed fate. And when I learned that the legendary (and Emmy winning) Lindsay Wagner had signed on as my rancher’s long estranged ex-wife, I knew that a certain divine providence had turned toward us –– and smiled. 1) The boss in autumn 2) Ponies in the pasture. 3) With the great Ms. Wagner 4) On Erin’s porch (after Nicholas and I helped her tape her remote auditions) 5) Father and son in yesteryear 6) Low sun over the range 7) Script Supervisor Johannah deVries, Cinematographer Brent Christy, and Director Gary Wheeler 8) Just sayin’ 9) A living wall 10) The refuge of his rocker: where rich and powerful meets sick and lonesome #BrickMcCree #TheHeartOfTheMatter #WhatForgivenessIs @mslindsaywagner @theerincahill @eltexmex @brent.christy #JohannahdeVries @greysabc #greysabc @thegooddoctorabc @longmireposse #longmireonnetflix

A post shared by A Martinez (@abonemartinez) on

Rođen je 1948. u Kaliforniji kao Adolfo Larrue Martinez III, a nadimak A je dobio kako bi ga razlikovali od oca i djeda pa ga je kasnije odlučio ostaviti kao svoje umjetničko ime. Nakon Sante Barbare pojavio se u mnogim serijama i filmovima, no vrata stare slave otvorila mu je Netflixova serija 'Longmire' iz 2012.

U braku je s glumicom Leslie Bryans još od 1982., s kojom ima sina Dakotu Leeja i dvije kćeri, Devon Makenu i Ren Farren. Marcy Walker udavala se čak pet puta, a trenutno je u braku s Dougom Smithom. Iz jednog od prijašnjih brakova ima kći Taylor.


#tbt Some thirty years ago –– a dream came true for me.  Previously, random circumstance had made it impossible for me to play a supporting role to Meryl Streep in her film #Silkwood.  An offer had come, six weeks after my audition, but by then I was committed elsewhere. (Ms. Streep is my all-time acting hero. This is so for the whole of her body of work, but had I only been privileged to watch her heartbreakingly poignant –– and Oscar winning –– work in Sophie’s Choice, it would still be so.) So I thought I’d missed my only chance to work with her, but as fate would have it, six years later I was asked to play Garcia, the Gigolo Butler of her character, Mary Barnes, in #SheDevil... It was profoundly humbling to work with Meryl.  The torrent of brilliant, unexpected, hilarious acting choices that flowed from her in every scene was nothing short of astonishing, and no matter how hard I screwed on my best intentions, I felt like a slacker in comparison, almost daily.  But in this particular scene, on this particular day, I felt better.  Greeting Mary at the door, ready for the bedroom, Garcia was deeply offended that she’d chosen to bring home another man for the night –– her accountant, Tom (Ed Begley, Jr.). Garcia had very little to say in this very short, very awkward moment, but I thought there might be a laugh in the mix if he showed up at the door with Mary’s poodle in his arms –– and then dropped it upon being jilted –– and so requested that the dog be added. When the movie played in Los Angeles, I snuck into the theatre and sat in the back row, curious to see how much of my work had supported my hero in the fashion of my fantasies.  When this scene arrived, and the poodle was dropped –– into the safety of its trainer’s off-camera arms –– the lovely sound of lots of instant laughter rose in the room. A small beat in the grand scheme of things, but looking back, it was among the sweeter moments of the evening –– not to mention my career. #SheDevil #MerylStreep #SuchMiraclesAsSometimesCome

A post shared by A Martinez (@abonemartinez) on

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[{"id":"2","value":"Zgodan i tamnoput "},{"id":"1","value":" "},{"id":"68","value":"2"}]
ShowbizZgodan i tamnoput

Mnogima je bio omiljeni lik u 'Santa Barbari', ali godinama nije mogao dobiti ulogu: tek kad je zakoračio u osmo desetljeće života, glumcu je stigla ponuda

Piše V. P.
25. travnja 2019. - 16:32

Ratnih devedesetih godina kružila je priča kako je jedna baka platila misu da Eden, njezin omiljeni lik iz sapunice Santa Barbara prohoda, a ova se urbana legenda zadržala sve do današnjih dana.

Za razliku od karijere glumice Marcy Walker, nezaboravne Eden, koja je 2005. napustila glumu te se posvetila vjeri i radu u župi u Sjevernoj Karolini kao voditeljica programa za djecu. Premda na samom početku serije autori nisu imali namjeru spojiti Cruza i Eden, ideju o njihovoj ljubavi predložili su upravo njih dvoje, jer su shvatili da na ekranu imaju veliku glumačku kemiju.

- Kada sam došla u seriju rekli su mi da bi moj lik trebao biti s Warrenom Lockridgeom. Snimila sam nekoliko scena, no one nisu donijele ništa posebno. Ipak u scenama koje sam odigrala s Martinezom odmah se...

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19. svibanj 2024 08:42